This article will help you approve pending client requests through the ScriptConnect mobile app. If you were looking for how to approve through your computer, please see "Approve Pending Client Requests" instead.
Your clients are waiting for their order!
When a client places an order, we search the system for an existing prescription for each item. You will receive notice when we need your approval to fulfill. In the ScriptConnect mobile app, these requests show up under the "Approve" tab which is shown when you login.
To act on a pending request, select the item you would like to approve.
You can edit patient or prescription details by clicking "Edit" next to the details you'd like to change. Please note that if you make changes to the prescription requested, two emails will be sent to your client, the first declining their initial request and the second with their new prescription. The client will then have to order the correct item again.
If the requested item is good to send, select "Approve". You can decline from this screen as well. On decline, you will be prompted for reasons and a note to the client.
Once you select "Approve," you can add your directions and complete the order. If you have pre-saved Sig Shortcuts, you can select the one you need from the list provided. Otherwise, select the "+" to add new directions.
To save your new directions as a Sig Shortcut available for future use, toggle the switch to the right and hit "Save".
Review the final details and, when ready, hit "Authorize" to complete the prescription.