While on the Individual Products tab of Manage Catalog, you can adjust both the markup and availability of individual products.
To do so, find and select the checkbox next to the products you would like to adjust. Then select “Edit Products.”
This will open a modal where you can make changes.
On the left, you can edit pricing and visibility. On the right, a small table will show you the effect of any pricing changes you’ve made on profitability.
To adjust pricing, first choose a Markup Type from the following:
- Dollar Amount: The amount you specify will be added to the Practice Cost
- Fixed: The amount you specify will be fixed as the Client Retail Price. Please note that we do not recommend this option. With fixed pricing, if the base cost of the item changes, your Client Retail Price would stay the same.
- Percent: Specify a percentage of the Practice Cost to be added to the Practice Cost as a markup.
- SRP: Adjusts the pricing back to the Suggested Retail Price.
- Desired Retail: The amount you specify will be set as the Client Retail Price, but if the base cost of the item changes, we will make sure your Client Retail Price adjusts according.
If you know the price you would like your client to pay for the item, the easiest and safest option is the “Desired Retail”. All you have to specify is the price you’d like the item to cost your client (no math!), but we’ll make sure that any manufacturer pricing adjustments don’t put you in the red.
When complete, remember to hit “Save Changes” to save.
Adjusting Pricing and Availability on Multiple Products
Using the same process, you can adjust pricing on multiple products. Simply select more than one, and when you hit “Edit Products” you will see the following modal instead.
The left side functions the same way it does for individual products, but you will see a simplified version of the table on the right showing you the practice’s net return.
When adjusting multiple products with different Practice Costs and SRPs, remember that the markup will affect them each in different ways. Pay attention to the table on the right and make sure everything in the Net % column stays above 3% to protect the practice.
When complete, remember to hit “Save Changes” to save.