Saving a Prescription As Draft
To initiate a draft, follow the same process as you would to Create a New Prescription. Adding as many or as few details as you choose, simply select "Save as Draft" to save the prescription without authorizing.
When selecting an Authorizing Veterinarian, you have the ability to choose any active veterinarian within the practice. Doctors for whom you have authorizing permissions will be broken out at the top.
If you choose a doctor for whom you have authorizing permissions, you will then be able to either "Authorize" or "Save as Draft." If you choose a doctor for whom you do NOT have the relevant permissions, you will only be able to Save as Draft.
Editing or Authorizing Saved Drafts
All drafts will be saved in a queue that can be accessed from the Left Navigation. Next to the label “Draft Scripts” you will see a count of ALL drafts available for your practice. Once saved, drafts will be accessible from this queue for 30 days.
The queue will be broken into two sections: Drafts You Can Authorize and Drafts You Can Review. Any practice user can save updates to any drafts, but only users with authorizing permissions can complete those drafts and convert them to prescriptions.
The drafts in the “Drafts You Can Review” section are currently assigned to a doctor for whom you have permissions, but the Authorizing Veterinarian can be changed while editing a draft to move it in or out of either category.