Using the Notes to Client Shortcut


The Platform provides a few instances where a user can write a note to be included in the email that goes out to their client. Known as the “Notes to Client” field, it can be found: 

 There are many reasons to include a note to your client. Common examples include:

  • a personal greeting
  • a coupon code your client can apply to their purchase in your online store
  • follow-up instructions
  • a reason for declining their order request
  • competitive messaging (i.e. here’s why you should buy from us)

What if you want to use the same note multiple times, for many different clients? Rather than retyping them each time, use the Notes to Clients shortcut to save commonly used notes for future use.


Saving New Shortcuts While Prescribing/Declining 

The prescription pad – to create, approve/decline, and renew a script, or while in ScriptAssist – is where you’re most likely to utilize a Notes to Client Shortcut.

Above the "Notes to Client" field, simply click “Add a Shortcut” to bring up a modal where you can select and enter Shortcut Type, Label (i.e. name of the shortcut), and Instructions (i.e. the note itself), then click Save.


The shortcut option will also appear while declining pending requests. 


Saved Shortcuts Master List  

To access all saved shortcuts, go to “Settings” and then “Practice Shortcuts”. While shortcuts can be created by any user while prescribing, only admins have the ability to access the master list to edit or delete.

Both Notes to Client and SIG shortcuts appear on this table, differentiated by type in the far-right column. Searching the page will look at both the label and instructional text. 
